Enderby Fastball Association will be hosting a CanPitch and CanCatch clinic on the February 14-16 weekend at AL Fortune Secondary School in Enderby.
Jackie Desilets will be our clinic facilitator. As usual we will have two separate weekend pitching groups which are based on experience. If your child has never pitched before, we would encourage them to come on out and try pitching.
Registration Fees
Pitching - $75.00
Catching - $50.00
Please register your athlete with me at richscott1969@gmail.com and let me know their age and level of experience
Please e-transfer the registration fee to infoenderbyfastball@gmail.com and note "CanPItch/CanCatch Clinic" and the athletes first and last name.
Please bring a water bottle, your ball glove and wear comfortable sports clothing. Please also wear clean INDOOR only running shoes.
Pitchers will require a catcher for them for the weekend. If athlete Catchers require catchers equipment, please let me know and we should be able to provide this to them. Parent catchers, we can bring some 5 gallon pails to sit on :)
Please see below for the time schedule and the two separate groups for the clinic weekend. I will populate the groupings with the athletes name once we have finalized the registrations.