District 9 is actively recruiting people of all ages (youth to adult) who might have an interest in becoming an umpire for the 2025 Fastball season. No experience needed. Attend an on-line information session to find out what it is all about.
Great benefits include:
Free 1st year registration and training (with a mentorship program to help you develop your skills)
Learn new rules, meet new friends and make new money! All while having fun at the ballpark.
Training and mentorship from skilled Umpires to help make umpiring a life-long opportunity for you
High school students can earn up to four high school credits towards graduation
Umpire registration is open for the 2025 season. As a reminder, everyone must register each year to be insured to officiate Softball BC games for that season. Please use link for instructions and to get registered through RAMP: Umpire Registration
New in 2025: IMPORTANT NOTE: if you choose to defer the registration payment to your local association by choosing “My Association will Pay” you MUST declare your intention to do so with your local association. Please send an email to the association to let them know: A commitment to umpiring a minimum of 5 games is required to have the Association cover your registration fee.
Level 1 and 2 theory sessions will be held online. There are five (5) sessions total. Sessions 1-5 are offered on different days throughout February to April (click here for full clinic details and schedule: Umpire Certification Clinics).
New umpires MUST register for the Level 1 online sessions, or if you cannot attend the sessions, watch the Level 1 Online Recorded Theory Videos and take the quizzes.
If you were Level 1 last year, and born prior to 2010 you can register for the Level 2 Online Theory Sessions (or you can choose to remain at Level 1).
Please also register for these clinics using the link above and clicking on the "Camp and Clinic Registration" Button.
Mechanics sessions are held in-person. Here are the dates for the clinics to be held in D9 this year, but please see full details and register for them in RAMP. New umpires are required to attend at least one mechanics session. Returning Level 1 umpires are encouraged to attend a mechanics session. You may register for more than one if you like.
Level 1 Vernon - March 13, 6PM - 8:30PM Kelowna - April 5, 10AM - 2PM
Level 2 Kelowna - March 29, 9:30AM - 3:30PM This session will also include the theory portion of Level 2. *Please note the theory portion may be removed if there is not enough interest.
Level 1&2 combined, on-field mechanics: Vernon - April 12, 10AM - 2PM *please note end times are approximate and may be adjusted depending on the number of registered umpires.